THERE IS NOT ONE PROCESS, BUT ONE GAME. There are as many processes as participants. ADN has created special formats (in segments of half a day to 3 weeks within three years of challenge) to achieve the goals of sustainable change and innovation setting which get applied and evolved individually. A benevolent peer review of outside perspectives focusing on your strenghts and weaknesses in entrepreneurship and personality. The ADN process does playfully bring together small groups of international eccentrics from all fields of NGO´s, business, communication, design and technology that have in common the desire to apply innovation to social improvement. Environmental, social and relational themes are central to human ecology, a transdisciplinary field using holistic approaches in the search for harmony between people and their natural and created environments but mainly between people and their societies. Expect the unexpected – feel comfortable not to know exactly what might come. The future is shaped by flexible risk-takers who dare to make mistakes rather than by computability, secure thinking or minimizing the unknown. Embrace the unknown, your fear, your potential. Along these lines ADN wants to investigate, experiment, catalyse, document and disseminate how contemporary business practice, science, communication, design and artistic expression can contribute to helping people solve problems and enhance human potential, regardless of location, faith or cultural background.